I just wanted to say how overwhelmed I was by the response to the prologue. I just hope that the rest of the story is so well received. So without anymore blabbering from me, here's the teaser for CH 1.
I stood in my bathroom, wrapped in a bathrobe, staring at my face in the fogged up mirror. It was 8am and I was already criticizing the 'normalness' of my reflection. There was nothing beautiful or appealing that stood out when you looked at me. I was just...ordinary. Long, flat brown hair that didn't have body, shine or any style, plain, boring brown eyes that seemed to droop at the outer corners, making me look like I was constantly tired, sad and full of confused and complex emotions, a small ordinary nose and although I did have full lips, my mouth was small, and my bottom lip was a bit larger than my upper lip which gave me a 'pout', which I hated. I smiled at my reflection and the image looked wrong. My eyes got smaller, and although my lips got longer, they got thinner and puffed my cheeks out even more. I wasn't beautiful, but I wasn't ugly either. I was just average enough to get by without ever being noticed by anyone.
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