Here's the teaser for the next chapter, much faster then planned. There was such a mixed response from last chapter. Some really enjoyed it while others were begging for a happier chapter and practically threatened to stop reading if the chapters don't cheer up. I just want to reassure everyone that the chapters do get better, and get better soon, so please stick with it.
****** if you don't want to read the rest of my rant/explanation, stop reading now and move straight to the bottom for the chapter teaser******
I know that everyone is tired of all the depression and just wants to get to the good and juicy stuff, and I completely understand it, but I really need to say something. This story is tough. Life is tough and it's only been 5 chapters. I explained last chapter how I really wanted to reinforce how Bella viewed herself and her life that way people would understand why she reacted the way she does later in the story, but in all honestly, we need to be realistic. I didn't set out to write a happy 'holding hands and singing kumbaya' story.
I wanted to write a real story, explore the isolation and pain that real people feel and show that although people might be all happy on the outside, life isn't always that way. And by the number of reviews I've had with people saying that they could relate to what I'm writing, I know that a lot of you feel the exact same way.
Sometimes life's not fair, and it hurts and sucks and makes you want to cry. And yes, Edward does come into the picture soon, but think about your own life. If you were sad and ignored and always looked over by others, would you be fixed 100% as soon as a boy showed some interest? If I were to write a quick fix story, I would be getting reviews on how unrealistic it was.
Saying all that, I, once again, promise that this story will have a happy ending and that the chapters will become less depressing soon.
On that note, here's the teaser for the next chapter.
"Alice? Um...can you do me a favor?" I had to look down at our entwined hands to find the strength to continue. "Can you call Jasper back and ask him to come over? I think...I...um...need his help." Tears were running down my cheek before the final words left my lips.
Keep wrtiting YOUR story! It's great. Also, this is the thing with fanfiction, and receiving instant feedback, it can be very good, with positive reinforcement, and constructive cisticism. But it also can be difficult, because some people may think that the authors need to change things to adapt to their taste, and that's not how things work! An author doesn't have to adapt to the readers tastes, the readers are the ones that have to choose and read a storie that is in agreement with what they like.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I'm glad Bella is admiting that she needs help.
ReplyDeleteI second jujubakiller YOUR story is beautiful and heart-wrenching, I have tears in my eyes reading every chapter, but I'm always left wanting more!!
I always connect something from your story to my own life, and its nice to see someone else ( fictional or not)has been there too!
so thank you and keep the chapters coming