Thank you so much for your support for CH 8 and 9. You have no idea how nervous I was about those chapters. I can do angst like no one's business, but romance...not so much. I'm just so happy that people are liking the Edward.
Again, I wanted to apologize for the delay in the chapters. For some reason, my validation time has gone from at some times 4 hours, to over a week. I'm debating asking for a new validation beta over at Twilighted but I'm not sure if they'll do that. Anyway, I'll continue to post here when I can, but I really don't want to get to ahead of Twilighted.
Alas, since we are a chapter ahead here, I might as well post the teaser
“It’s ok Bella. If you don’t want to go to dinner, that’s completely fine. I just thought that we had fun last night and I wanted to see you again. But please don’t feel pressured to agree if you don’t want to. I understand. Listen, I gotta go, Claire just got here, but call me…I guess…if you ever want to get together…” his voice trailed off at the end and it took my heart with it, going deeper and deeper, farther and farther away until the sound and my hope all but trailed off. He thought that I didn’t want to see him and he was retracting his offer. FIX THIS!!!! Tears immediately sprang to the back of my eyes at how easily he had just given up on me. All it took was a pause from me and he gave me the ‘call me…I guess…if you want to’ speech.
Before I could correct his misassumptions and agree to his dinner, the phone ‘clicked’ and the dial tone rang loud before the call dropped from my cell. I looked down at the phone and stared at the ‘phone time 6:13’that was flashing below his name. Not even ten minutes on the phone and I ruined it. I pushed away the first guy who’s shown me any true interest in years. No wonder I’m a virgin and have no friends.
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