Mega mega thanks to everyone for the reviews. I'm so happy that you're all liking how the whole 'Edward/Bella' situation is going and I couldn't be happier. Your reviews are amazing. Special thanks to evilangel6714 for helping me fix up this chapter. You should all bow down to her and sing her praises.
As I said, your reviews are completely amazing. I'm so humbled by them all. Unfortunately, I'm turning into the type of writer that I really didn't want to.
Real life has taken a turn for me, a good one, but a stressful one which is taking up a lot of my time. I always told myself that I wouldn't be one of those authors who used RL as an excuse to not reply to those who so kindly leave a review, but alas, it is starting to look that way. I will always try and at least give a reply, even if it's just sending a 'thanks for the review', as I truly do believe that if you have the time to leave a review, I can make time for a simple thank you, but longer, more detailed replies may not be possible.
I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but I will continue to try and do my best. The replies may just take a while longer.
So without further ado, here's CH 10, the outfit and the extras.
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