Monday, May 9, 2011

CH 24 Teaser

Hello Beauties, 

Sorry for the longish wait.  Unfortunately, my computer got sick and was at the doctor's for the week. However, it is back and I am close to finishing the chapter. 

I want to say thank you to everyone for all their comments and support. Here's CH 24 teaser. 


“Bella, Jasper and I are too close to you to truly be objective and help you. I love you, and I’d do anything for you, but I don’t know if I can help you with this. I asked James if he thought that maybe he could help you. I thought you were getting better, that we were getting better, but with the dream about your death and you telling me just now that there’s nothing for me to love about you…I think James could help.”


  1. Ack! I really hope James isn't evil James in this story.

  2. Who is telling her that? Alice? Edward?
    I'm intrigued!
    Hope she gets the help she needs.

  3. No I dont think James could help!! At least not when he is evil like he usually is...?
    Cant wait for the chapter!
