Saturday, April 5, 2014

CH 38

I don't even know what to say. Sorry is just not the right word. I am ashamed and disappointed that I have taken this long to get all you wonderful people a chapter. But alas, here it is, unedited, and probably a mess lol. Chapter 38.

I have also just added a little snippet of where we left off with chapter 37 since it has been a half a year since I've updated. Shame :(


  1. your story is amazing, please update soon!!!

  2. I miss this story. I hope you get a chance to continue it.

  3. Update please.... :(

  4. I keep checking for an update and every time I get more discouraged. .. I miss your writing please update soon!

  5. I think it's safe to say that she's abandoned this story. Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with a person who doesn't commit and complete.

  6. Hey JT. Thanks for writing this story. I come to read it every time I'm really sad, somehow it makes me feel better and a bit hopeful.
