Thursday, January 6, 2011

CH 19 teaser and NEWS

So...not many people are happy with me right now. I've lost some readers, saying that this story is too depressing, some say that they are confused how Bella could be so pathetic and some are frustrated that the posts are getting farther apart. 

Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about any of this besides give huge, wet, Edward kisses to all of you who have stood by MtLA and continue to give me your support. 

Now,  I know that the posts have been getting farther and farther apart, but between my beta, my validation beta and my RL, we're all doing the best we can. Unfortunately, it doesn't look to be improving anytime soon because....


That's right folks and guess what? My new place doesn't have internet. CH 19 is currently with my beta and I'm hoping that I'll be able to post it before the big day, but I can't promise anything. All I can do is hope that this tides you over until I return. 

“So,” he began as I set my coffee cup and plate of syrup slathered Eggo’s on the table. “I was thinking. How would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight and spend the night?” 

My heart immediately started to race. 

“You haven’t seen it yet,” he continued, “and I need to start packing for Friday morning. I need to do laundry and get everything ready and finish writing up some reports on some patients before I go, so I won’t be able to come here, but I want to see as much of you as possible before the weekend.”

Why the hell am I freaking out about him asking me to come to his place? He’s been here almost every day since we’ve met, it’s about time I see his place. With a deep breath to try and steady my confusing nerves, I shyly answered Edward.

“Sure,” I pushed out on a soft breath, “that’d be nice.”


  1. Hi!
    I don't often write comments/reviews but I feel the need to write a little bit now.
    First, I really love MtLA - it's well written and I think it's an interesting story. I surprises me that people find it too depressing...haven't they read the content? It was clear as crystal to me that it's not going to be happy-go-lucky. While I don't always understand your Bella I can comprehend that it's very hard for her to change and it's going to be a long process. In fact I'm quite surprised how well she's doing already.
    As for the relatively long wait for new chapters - I can understand that it's not always easy to find time to write and/or beta. I think your story is worth the wait though.
    That being said (written), I wish you a quick and uncomplicated move and I'm looking forward to Chapter 19 :-)

    Lots of greetings from Austria!


  2. What Cora said. :D I actually relate to Bella well. The psychology of her is something that I've experienced in my family, along w/ some of it myself. So, I totally get her, which is probably why I like this story. It's nice to see that someone else thinks like this and it's not just me or someone I love. :D Happy Moving! OH! And just for fun, I dare you to end it right when they start having sex!!

  3. People are stupid... Okay so maybe they're not stupid but I sometimes like the wait. I like the anticipation of a REALLY good chapter that could pop up at anytime.And thats how MtLA is! I love this story and the pace its going. ^-^ Good luck with the move and hopefully a new chapter before it :D

    - Kara

  4. I understand Bella.....its hard to break habits that you live your entire life. When you are told over and over that this is it, you will never be develop a stigma that everyone else that trust to come to you thinks the same thing as the people that tear you down. I love your story. I am ecstatic that the girl that felt unloved is finding love....slowly but surely ... love is worth waiting for. Thank you for creating a story that is more then just the independent girl commits and for staying away from flimsy plots.

  5. Don't let the haters get to you.
    This story is not depressing, it is, dare I say it, reality. Not everyone is comfortable with themselves and intimacy from the get go. and with her past, it is understandable that it is taking her some time to be comfortable with him and these feelings.
    Do we need to reiterate the fact that they have only known each other for two weeks?
    Your loyal readers are grateful for your dedication and teasers. The duration between updates only serves to provide a greater appreciation for your work.
    Some things are worth the wait!

  6. I'm one of those who are sad that the updates are getting further apart, but that doesn't mean I will stop reading the story, there are authors who don't update for over a year and they still don't lose their readers, so... it wouldn't be fair to do that to you after all your hard work.
    And about the story, we've known from the beginning it would be impossible to get a HEA after only a couple of chapters and that Bella has some major issues, so please don't stop writing, what you've done so far is beyond wonderful and there will always be people waiting for another chapter:)

  7. Are you kidding me, you lost readers because of the long posts? I have a list of stories that I love on Twilighted that the authors post once every few months, and then drop it! I'm thrilled that you are so dedicated to this story, you move and grow the characters, you give us teasers and costumes, and you obviously are in it till the end. Like one of the previous reviewers, I'm willing to wait a bit and then receive a long, well-written chapter. Thanks so much and I hope you have a smooth move.

  8. More! More! More! I want to read more! ^^
    And finally Bella is going to Edwards place. It's about time^^

    I love your story and I'm gonna read it, until it's finished. No matter what happens with the story or how long the time between the posts is.

    I wrote a short comment about your story in a German twilight-forum and I got the question if you are posting your story on I search for it but I couldn't find it. Is there a particular reason why you don't post it there?

    Greeting from Germany :)

  9. First of all: I love your story.

    But I have to say that I can understand those readers, even though I'm not with them. I just think that this story deals with a thing that people who are not confronted with can't relate to very easily because they never were in that kind of position before.
    For some people Bella's problem seems to be very stupid but actually it is quite complicated because her thoughts are sort of imprinted on her mind. She had always been saying that she is unwanted and that nobody can ever love her over and over again and mixed with her being self-conscious and shy it is really hard for her to think differently of herself now.

    I do understand Bella. Sometimes when you're saying things over and over in your mind - even though they are not true - you start to believe in them.
    I'm not saying that all of the readers who don't like your story can't relate to her, but I just think that it is easy for the people who can't relate to her to dislike it. Because when you don't get why the main character is feeling that way it is hard for you to get into the story.

    I have to say that at first it was hard for me, too. To understand Bella and everything, but after a few chapters I could understand her. Because of the things I said before.

    I think that it is an interesting issue. Nowadays it IS easy to think that you are 'Made to Live Alone' when you're a virgin at 27. Because everybody is just talking about stuff like that. "Oh yeah and when you're a virgin at 27 your life sucks. You are ugly and nobody wants you. You have to get laid within 20 years of your life or else you're just crap."

    I don't know...
    I just like the way Edward treats her. He respects that Bella doesn't just jump in the bed with him but he still loves her. You can tell that he loves her. He's really gentle and tries to make it easy for her.

    And I think that Bella is handling everything better and better.

    I can't unterstand why some people find this story depressing. It just isn't a rosy-posy love story where everything's good. And I like that. Because THOSE stories are depressing. When everything's so good that it isn't very realistic anymore.

    I just can say: Keep it up!

    I'm looking forward to reading every new chapter.

    And I don't care if the next chapter is coming in one week or in 2 months because that doesn't make the chapter worse. It even makes it better because when you wait longer for it you get more and more excited and then when it is there... you sort of freak out. That happened to me before.
    And complaining about you posting too slowly is really the last thing I would complain about.

    It's just fine. Everything's good.

    I hope you have a good and stress-free move.

    all the best,

  10. Let me say this first...
    I'm supper excited for next chapter!!!!!!!!
    Because I'm guessing we'll get to know Edward a little more.

    Now to the serious stuff. For me there are two kinds of stories, the ones that need to be updated frequently because if not I forget the plot and loose interest, and the ones that could be updated every couple a months and I wouldn't care because I'll still be looking forward to the updates.

    Even though this story is in the second category. Let me say this... Please please please don't make us wait that much... ja ja.

    Anyway, good luck with your move.

  11. I love this story.It gives me hope that one day I will find my own version of THIS Edward.Nobody ever told me that I'm beautiful or complimented me in that way,and it is hard when you feel unworthy.
    I am willing to wait for next chapter,because your story is worth the wait.I love the way you write,you should try it doing it professionally:)

    Until the next time...

  12. First off, an apology. I LOVE your story, often rather obesssively clicking to see if there is an update, and then savorying every word (sometimes more than once!) when each new chapter is up, BUT .... I've never left you a review or comment. I am sorry about that as your story is fabulous and I love everything about it! Thanks for sharing! Pls don't get disouraged by the minority, as I am sure there are many more like me who like your story and want to stay through to the end. (the end ... sniff.. don't want to think about that!)

    Good luck with your move ... never easy .. I hope it goes smoothly.

    BELLA IS GOING TO EDWARD'S HOUSE!!! YEAH!!!! (Yes, I was actually screaming about that!) Off to read the teaser again now : )

  13. You haven't lost me as a reader. There are parts that confuse me which I stated in my last comment on here; which is the situation with Jacob and the touching. Yes I get she is a virgin, but you state that she flinched away from Edward because of what Jacob did and then state all they did was hug and kiss. and I do think that Bella over analyzes everything but I understand her feelings of self-doubt and rejection. I will continue to read your story and really do appreciate you writing this for us. Good luck with your move.
