Monday, February 21, 2011

CH 21 Teaser

Hello ladies (and maybe gentlemen?)

A lot of mixed response about CH 20. Some of you loved that they slept together and some of you thought it was the wrong time. Please just trust me and remember: 60+ chapters already planned out. 

Anyway, thanks to everyone for their support. Here's the teaser for CH 21. It's with my pre-reader now and then will get edited so it might change a bit, but I thought you'd enjoy a preview anyway. 


“Bella?” When I didn’t answer, Edward warily continued. “Do you regret it?”

My head started to shake against Edward’s chest before the words left my lips.


I didn’t regret what we did. I loved Edward and I wanted to show him how much I loved him. It might have been the wrong time and for the wrong reason, but it was definitely not with the wrong man. I didn’t regret it, I just didn’t know what to make of it.



  1. it's great thanx, I'll be waiting for the whole chapter

  2. Thanks :) I didn't expect a teaser this fast, so, you kind of made my day.

  3. cant wait looks rely good :)


    I repeat myself every time but i don't have words to describe how much i love your story!

    i' waiting anxiously for the next chapter! :)

  5. I think that this Edward is so very wonderful and I really do hope that Bella knows that. I know that she is going to be sad while he is gone, but you know the old saying ....Absence makes the heart grow fonder.....I think that she really believes that she wanted it and not because he was leaving. I truly cannot wait until the next update. THANKS FOR THE AWESOME READING
