Sunday, November 14, 2010

CH 16 Teaser

Hello my lovelies, 

Here's the teaser for CH 16. I must warn you, it's a hard one. Sad Bella has returned, but with VERY good cause. 

“Bella, what’s wrong?” The urgency and concern in his voice made the lump in my throat larger as I struggled to tell him the truth. I didn’t want to lie to Edward, I never wanted to be dishonest with him. I knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that and I didn’t want that for him, for anyone.

“I called my dad this morning and it didn’t go so well.” The tears had slowed, but were still blurring my vision. I squeezed my eyes tight, causing them to spill over. Edward remained silent as he waited for me to continue, but when I didn’t, he supportively jumped in.

“You want to talk about it?”

“It’s just that,” I paused, trying to collect myself before I continued, “I told him about how I was seeing someone, about us, about you, and he didn’t believe me.”

“What?” Edward asked with confusion evident in his voice, “how could he not believe you?”

“He basically said a SuperDoc like you would never be interested in someone like me.”



  1. Oh, poor Bella. This sounds like it's going to be a very emotional chapter. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. OMG. That's so sad. I really thought that Bella's distance with her parents was caused by her depression. But I'm guessing that Bella self esteem issues started with her parents. =/

  3. I'm really excited to read what you have in store for us, but I do have a feeling that Chapter 16 will be painful to read.

  4. OMG!!..i hate Charlie!!..I didn't imagine her parents could be that mean!

  5. I seriously dislike Charlie!

    what a bastard!

  6. I can't wait to read this. I'd like to know if that's what Charlie actually said or just what Bella thinks he was saying.

  7. Oh,poor Bella :(.But she has Edward aka SuperDoc to cheer her up :D
    Please,post soon this chapter :)
